Life is the Greatest Gift you can give. It can also be the greatest gift you receive. I know because I received this gift. I had a catastrophic injury to my cervical spine and donor bone is the reason I can walk and talk today. Without the Gift of Life, I would have been a quadriplegic on a ventilator. My name is Joe Rothpearl. I am a donor recipient and a Proud Partner with Donate Life New York State (Click to Register Here!!!)
The Greatest Gift
Challenger Joe


Someone I never met had made the decision to Register as an Organ, Eye and Tissue Donor. Maybe it was when they got their driver’s license or by signing up through a Registration Event like this one. Perhaps they knew someone who was a recipient, or they could have been a recipient themselves. You never know who around you could be a recipient or a registered donor or even a living donor. 1 donor can save 8 lives with organ transplants and another 75 lives with eye and tissue donations. There are 10,000 New Yorkers waiting for a lifesaving organ transplant and 1,500 have been waiting for more than five years. Sadly, approximately 500 New Yorkers die each year because the organ they need is not donated in time.

You can Register Here: Donate Life New York State Registry Next you can help spread the word. Tell your family and friends about your decision to give the greatest gift. Show them this or help them register. If one person can save 83 lives just imagine how many your friends and family could save. Not to mention the grateful families and friends of all those recipients.

Leave a legacy and help make the world a better place. Register today and tell others to do the same. Anyone 16 and over can register and there is no age limit. No one is too sick to register either. Please join us in Partnering with Donate Life New York State for Donate Life Month April 2023. Help us save lives and Register Here: Donate Life New York State Registry
I started Challenger of the Day in 2012 to deal with daily challenges I was facing after my initial injury. I soon realized that I had to share the smiles and then things snowballed. The smiles came back to me, and I shared more, and the cycle continues to this day. I needed to smile every day and found a way to make it happen. I wanted to help others smile every day and found a way to make it happen. If your heart is in it and you have the passion, you can find a way to make anything happen.
I am the beneficiary of two donor bones from my first two surgeries in 2012. I am forever aware of the two selfless donors who gave me the chance to continue living my life. I feel it is my duty to stand for them as well as myself - with the gift of standing, walking and talking that they gave me!!! I also use three exclamation points a lot hoping people will ask me 'why?'. It's one for each of the people whose bones are a part of me now. I live for all three of us now. Coincidentally I have three Instagram Pages and three Facebook pages. I also post daily on Twitter, Pinterest. and frequently on YouTube, LinkedIn, and Google. I've been featured by Chrysler’s Mopar Magazine, MTF Biologics and Good Morning Rochester/13WHAM News. I am very excited to be a Donate Life Partner and appreciate every opportunity to help others smile. Read more about Challenger Joe, connect with me on social media and Please Help Me Share This Message!!!
At Eastway we go out of our way to help people and we want to help as many people as possible. Partnering with Donate Life NYS is and honor and a way for us to make the greatest impact. Our primary goal is to help others smile. We don't charge a fee to answer questions. When we are asked for help, we don't check to see if we will make a commission. We just help. We post Positive photos, videos and messages frequently on social media. I am the Principal of Eastway Insurance Agency, and I got my start in the industry with a goal of helping my family. I've been here eighteen years now and helping is still my primary goal. Read more about Eastway Insurance Agency, connect with us on social media and Help Share This!!!
Follow that Challenger!!